“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie
Madeleine van Zyl
“My passion is working with people to solve complex organisational and leadership challenges. Whether those problems are large-scale social issues, organisational dysfunction, or leadership effectiveness, I thrive on understanding the whole system and finding creative and engaging solutions using relationship oriented and strength-based approaches to create inclusive, mission-driven positive environments for all.”
Amanda Schoeman
My most sincere objective in life is to give hope and motivation to those who have nothing. To set in action a plan to fulfil the dreams of the broken hearted and the wounded children. To utilize my skills to benefit those who have none. To create change no matter how small it may be, to strive to make it great, never giving up until I believe that I have given it my all.”
Zani Kunz
“I strive to Build and maintain relationships to establish long-term partnerships. I am driven to create value, improve outcomes, and build deeper connections with the community. I believe that diversity, equity and inclusion must be integrated into the fabric of an organisation to transform how board, staff, and volunteers create inclusive work environments and high-impact program strategies. I have faith in South Africa`s potential and strive to make a difference in all communities.”
At Ukudla Isizwe we like to surround ourselves with positive people that share the same vision. If you would like to be part of our team, please contact us.